Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Second Year

Are you still with me? If this gets boring just skip ahead. But isn't this what blogging is about, snooping about other's lives. Wow, I just realize if you're reading this (don't you have anything else to do? me either) I am a celebrity.
Anyway, 2006-2007 was an adventure! In May 2006 Dan and I returned to Hawaii only this time we didn't stay at the Manoa Surfrider we lived in our 1968 VW Bus. Dan went to UH while I worked on my tan and nannied a 3 year old and 2 newborn twins, hell! Sorry Jones if you're reading this, but I think you would agree. We had a few encounters with the cops and our home ( le bus) caught on fire; nevertheless, Dan and I had an awesome summer. We have a true love for Hawaii and we now have three annual vacations. We returned to Dan's favorite vacation of the year "The Beach". Every summer my whole family "hangs out" at our beach house in San Diego for 2 weeks. We saw a lot of sand that summer. That year Dan worked his butt off in all his pre-dental courses to come home one day and say "I think I want to go to Law School". Well all that education was a waste, but I am so happy he's doing what will make him happy. I started working for Marriott Vacation Club that fall in marketing and continued till through the spring (Mia's longest job yet!). We both had season passes to Park City that winter and skied like crazy! Dan has made me a pretty good little skier, I can finally keep up! That May Dan graduated and we went to Cali to celebrate. Trips this year: Hawaii, Jackson Hole, San Diego, Palm Springs, Springville PA, NYC and think that's all? Sorry if I missed you.

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