Saturday, April 19, 2008

Finals Yuck!

Dan has officially started his cramming for finals. This 3-4 week period is what I least look forward to this spring. Dan leaves in the morning and comes home around midnight. I pack him a lunch and dinner, dinner usually consists of a frozen burritos or some other frozen food I sampled at Costco that week. He is so dedicated in his schooling. Dan never gets stressed either. He will be running on little sleep and high expectations but still grinning from ear to ear. That's why I love you baby! This picture was taken when we were renting week to week in Orange. This is how Dan finds me when he comes home from school, dead asleep in front of the TV. It's his lucky day if I'm all ready for bed, if not, watch out! I don't have a very good attitude when I'm half asleep. Thank goodness since this picture we've bought a TV and had a visit from the Time Warner guy. Heaven for bid I read a book before going to bed, that's what works for. I know Mom, never end a sentence in a preposition. It just sound too affected in this case.


Vanessa said...

Hi Mia! How are things in Cali? I'm so glad you found us and I love your blog. What a great way to keep in touch! You two are such a cute couple and it looks like you're both having so much fun! Keep bloggin and good luck with finals!
Vanessa and Cole

erin and shaun said...
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erin and shaun said...

That's so funny because it's EXACTLY what I do! Why is it so hard for us to go to sleep in our actual bed?! It just feels weird and kind of scary without Shaun there. He had 4 (count them) 4 exams today so I've been falling asleep on the couch all week and getting woken up in the early morning hours to come to bed! I feel for you! Good luck on finals Dan!

Britt Chudleigh said...

Cosco samples rule

SW said...

Mia! I just found your blog and am excited to be able to keep tabs on you guys. Glad to see you're doing well. Tell Dan hi...and good luck with finals!

Lauren and Bridger said...

This too shall come to pass. That is what my Dad says to make me feel better about finals week. It doesn't.