Saturday, April 19, 2008

Harmsen Time

My cousin Becca Harmsen was married last weekend here in Newport. My aunt and uncle are mission presidents here in the OC so they brought the wedding to them. I loved it! All my family (except Mark, tear.) came down to our neck in the woods. Stephen and Amy flew in a day early so we were able to spent some quality time with them before the rest of the crew came down, Stephen even went on our morning run (in sambas) with us. Becca was married in the Newport Temple and had her reception at the Balboa Bay Club, a beautiful day! I have to say all of my sisters looked amazing! I love and miss you all. I was lucky enough to go down and spend the night in San Diego to spend an extra day with the family. My sister's adorable little boy Luke didn't remember me, so sad. When she asked him my name he said "Jesus" I don't know if that's a sign for a hair cut or to be a better aunt.

1 comment:

Britt Chudleigh said...

I have a robe and a pair of Birkenstocks if you want