Monday, April 7, 2008

Fatherly Advice

Dan and I finally made it to a much anticipated visit to the OC Swap Meet. I found a sweet dress, we bought so many fruits and veggies for dirt cheap, but the best was Dan's haircut. That's right, they give hair cuts at the swap meet and for $10 bucks! In the words of my father, "There are two things you can never spend too much money on, a nice pair of shoes and a good hair cut". Obviously we are doing something wrong.


The Prestons said...

Hello! I love your blog! You guys sure have made an adventure out of your lives together so far. Looks like you're having a blast in CA. Are you guys coming to Utah sometime soon? We'd love to see you!! By the way, you just look too amazing as a blonde! :)

Caitlin said...

I am so glad you have a blog now! When we come to cali this summer I want to go to the swap meet with you, sounds so much fun!

Becky said...

Dads know everything don't they!!

Love you

Britt Chudleigh said...

It is your responsibility to ignore your father at this point in your life, isn't it?