Saturday, February 7, 2009

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

No this is not a Christmas posting, but no worries it's on it's way. My family seems to make a really big deal out of Thanksgiving, bigger than Christmas. EVERY year we all go down to St.George, Utah and spend the weekend in my grandmother's historic pioneer adobe house. Dan and I always start the day out with our own little turkey trot, then the boys all go golfing and we get ready for dinner. After dinner there's a game of football in the front yard followed by either a night of games, hot tubing or going to see a movie. It's simply the most wonderful time of the year. I love the fall weather and leaves. I love going to lunch in the Cadillac. It was extra special going to the temple this year. I was overwhelmed with emotion when I realized my 91 year old grandmother is on my left and my mother on my right with my sisters on her right, but the tears quickly turned into laughter when my grandma leans over and says "This is kind of boring don't you think?" Hey, she's in her 90's and still going, you have to give it up, halla.

Mark I will always be THANKFUL to you for introducing me to this hottie!

Nothing beats leftovers, honestly they're better than the actual dinner.

The talent show
and games

That turned into a dance party with Stephen playing "Great Balls of Fire" on the piano.

It was nice to be able to have dinner with the Chudleigh's this year too! I know we are so lucky, two turkey dinners. We drove all the way into Salt Lake this year because Dan was really missing his family. We all went over the Peter and Brittney's house and had the Chudleigh feast. Cooking and decoration is art to this family and they're true artists! Every dinner is straight out of a Martha Stewart magazine! I hope Dan doesn't compare me to his mother, it would be impossible to even try!


Britt Chudleigh said...

mia's side of the family is right out of that movie "dan in real life". that is really cool that you all have so much fun together. especially g-ma! she is so funny.

al + sar said...

Mia Im so glad you found my blog! You look so cute and Im so jealous that your living in Cali! Keep in touch!