Saturday, April 24, 2010

i miss you

The last week has been so lonely with Dan studying for finals. I miss him. A lot. Now instead of studying in the other room he spends all day and night at school and doesn't come home till late. I don't do late very well, so our time together is not its best.

Keep up the hard work babe, May 7th is just around the corner!

1 comment:

Heather and Rich said...

Hi Mia! I don't know if you got my email a while ago (your address may have changed?) but I just wanted to say hi! And I miss you! :) I hope you and Dan are doing fabulous, and all is well. I know what you mean about waiting around while they are studying - it's the worst. I get so bored and antsy and all I want to do is be with him when Rich is studying :( hang in there!