Maybe if I were more on top of this whole blogging thing I would enjoy it more. It feels like I'm looking at weeks worth of dishes and the pile keeps on growing. So April is birthday month at our house. We actually spend more in April that December! No joke between the two of us there are like 9 birthdays. I think I would rather have a Christmas baby than an April baby, not that I'm thinking of babies. Dan had a little party for me for my birthday, by that I mean I did everything, but the thought is always sweet.
This spring has been a very busy one for us and by busy I mean a lot of company. The nice thing about living in California is that your friends and family come to you so you rarely get homesick. This spring we've had my brother Mark, sister Taryn, Clay and Aria, Jessica and Brett, Jill and Justin and family, Mom and Stephen and Amy and family. It can get old changing sheets every weekend, but it's soooo worth it.
Mom called me the day before she decided to come in town, you're always such a sweet serendipity! We spent a lot of time in LA because I was working on a 3 day event. We ate, slept (Ritz!) and shopped very well. Don't you just love when Mom comes to town! Really, the thing with my Mom is that we could have not left the LAX parking lot and had the same awesome time talking in the car until it was time for her to leave.
Peter and Brittney also came down that same week to go to Disneyland. They all came up to Laguna and we had a little Chudleigh reunion. I was wanting to go home to visit last month but never booked my ticket because home kept on coming to me!
Visitors are are you and Dan. No wonder everyone wants to come see you!!!!
Thank you for a post finally!!! Sorry we kept missing your celebrations. I am just glad we got to hang out on your actual b-day!
Thanks again for putting us up for a night. We had a blast at the bonfire and at the beach later that week. When are you coming to Utah?
We had so much fun with you guys and plan on bugging you again this summer. :)
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